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European Bulletin of Social Psychology 28,1

Dear EASP members

With spring right outside our windows (even though what this means varies quite a lot among us!), it’s time again for a very brief update on some of our key activities. Starting with our flagship event, preparations for the next General Meeting in Granada are well under way, thanks to the hard work of our colleagues Rosa Rodriguez Bailon, Miguel Moya, and their team. We now also have a Chair of the Program Committee, Jeroen Vaes, and a complete Program committee, including Francesca Righetti, Thomas Morton, Eva Walther, Thomas Webb, Veronica Benet-Martinez, and Michal Bilewicz. A big thank you to all these colleagues for agreeing to serve EASP in this important way and for all the work that is still to come.

Isabelle Fortuné / Université de Poitiers.jpg

Isabelle Fortuné / Université de Poitiers.jpg

The next General Meeting will include some innovative features, the most important of which is (arguably) the new Moscovici award. The EC has decided to create this additional award in memory of our first President, and as we celebrate 50 years of existence, to recognise the author(s) of an outstanding innovative contribution to theory in social psychology. Like the Tajfel award, awardees will deliver a plenary lecture and receive a certificate and a silver medal. Please see the more detailed announcement elsewhere in the Bulletin. Please check also the calls for applications/nominations for Jaspars and Lewin awards and note that the EC is also, for the first time, inviting suggestions from members for the remaining awards (Tajfel, Moscovici, and Codol). Although these are not open to applications or nominations, as such, the EC is very interested in hearing from EASP members about whom they have in mind as deserving of these awards, partly in an attempt to ensure the consideration of a greater diversity of candidates. This is your chance to helps us achieve this goal, so please do take a moment to think about it and contact our President with your suggestions.

The upcoming Summer School in Exeter is approaching, with participants having been selected with great care by the team led by Andrew Livingstone, and checked by the Executive Committee. A great deal of effort was dedicated to ensure fair choice and balanced representation across a variety of criteria, such as gender, nationality, country hosting the PhD, topic and research approach. Fee waivers and travel grants have been awarded to ensure that place offers could be taken by participants. In the meantime, Daniel Wigboldus has kindly prepared and shared tips and advice from his fantastic experiences as Summer School teacher with the teachers of the upcoming summer schools. It cannot go wrong!

Arrangements for the 2018 Summer School have already begun. We are very pleased to announce that this will be hosted in Zurich by a team led by Johannes Ullrich, a team of enthusiastic former EASP summer school participants who decided to give back to the association in this generous way. Thank you to all—current and future summer school organizers—for your dedication and hard work.

University of Zurich - Host of 2018 EASP Summer School

University of Zurich - Host of 2018 EASP Summer School

Our new Research Knowledge transfer funding scheme (RKTS) has already delivered a fantastic writing workshop in Poland. A new RKTS meeting has just been awarded for a workshop in Greece to develop specific research skills. These meetings are much appreciated by colleagues and PhD students in their groups and their benefits are likely to be longstanding. We encourage more groups to come forward to identify specific training needs in their local research groups (or collections of groups), even if they might need help identifying who exactly might be invited to deliver a workshop or seminar on the issue. The EC of EASP is very keen on this type of support and happy to work with members to develop appropriate plans. Please do not hesitate to contact us (Torun or Manuela) if you’d like to consult on an idea for an RKTS event.

We continue monitoring and ensuring diversity in all of our activities. Although ensuring diversity and equality of opportunities has always been, and continues to be, a central value and task of EASP, the EC recognises that there is clearly need of more action in this area. A task group led by Steve Reicher has been asked to examine our current situation more closely (and provided funds to do so). The EC also recognises the need for more proactive actions on our part, and will use the recent RKTS scheme to promote additional actions where need is identified. We are also in the process of documenting EASP’s diversity vision and how it reflects in our activities, to ensure transparency and transference of as yet unwritten standards. We hope to place this in our website and invite comments and suggestions from members, to ensure we produce the best possible (most inclusive) framework.
Feel free to browse our news and events. More highlights soon.

Your executive committee
Manuela Barreto, Mara Cadinu, Jean-Claude Croizet, Ernestine Gordijn, Torun Lindholm, Kai Sassenberg, and Daniel Wigboldus

Your New Website

The new EASP website presents information a bit differently from the prior one. In the new website, reports, opinions, events, and announcements are all listed under 'news'. To see these, you can just select 'home' on the homepage, and then 'news'. To see only a list of things within one category (e.g., only grant reports, or only calls for papers), you can scroll down the page, click on 'see all' and then scroll up again. You will see the possibility to filter the news according to category. You can also launch a search with keywords (e.g., "grant report") from anywhere on the website and all relevant entries will appear: Clever, ha?

New EASP award: The Moscovici award

EASP will now count on an addition award, in memory of Serge Moscovici—EASP’s first President. The Moscovici Lecture will take place for the first time in 2017, at the Granada General Meeting. The Moscovici award recognises the author or authors of an article, book, or book chapter that has made outstanding innovative contributions to theory in social psychology. Theoretical innovation is not restricted to the presentation of a new theory: Theoretical integration and extension will also be considered innovative. The lead author must be an EASP member and will give a plenary lecture at the Association's General Meeting. The awardee is selected by the EC in the Autumn preceding the General Meeting, based on the recommendation of a theoretically diverse selection committee of three EASP members, chaired by the President of EASP. The awardees receive a certificate and EASP covers their registration fees at the General Meeting. The Moscovici lecturer attends the General Meeting as a guest of the Association and receives also a silver medal, suitably mounted and inscribed. Although there is no open call for applications for this award, suggestions from EASP members are welcome and will be considered by the EC.

Jaspars awards: Call for applications or nominations

Three Jos Jaspars medals will be awarded at the General Meeting. The Jaspars award recognizes early career contributions to social psychology. Candidates for the Jos Jaspars awards should have obtained their PhD no earlier than January 1st of the year of the previous General Meeting (January 1st 2014). Note that this period can be extended for up to one additional year in case the candidate can prove to have taken a maternal or paternal leave in the intervening period. Candidates should be full members of EASP by the time their application for the award is submitted.

Candidates can either apply themselves or be nominated by two full members of the Association. In either case, applications must include the curriculum vitae of the candidate and two letters of support, at least one of which must be from a full member of EASP. These letters should justify why the candidate deserves this award. Nominators should inform the proposed candidate of their intention to nominate and state in their support letters that they have permission of the candidate as their official nominators. Only two nominations/support letters will be considered for each candidate. Applications should be received by the Executive Officer before the 1st of October 2016. The awardee will be selected by the EC in the Autumn, based on the recommendation of a committee of three EC members, chaired by the EASP Grants Officer. The awardees receive a certificate and a bronze medal at the General Meeting in Granada. As a tribute to Jos Jaspars' influential editorship of the European Journal of Social Psychology, the publishers of the Journal sponsor the Medals financially by paying the medal winners’ registration fees.

Members of the Association are asked to encourage suitable candidates to apply at the appropriate time.

Lewin awards: Call for applications or nominations

Three Kurt Lewin medals will be awarded at the General Meeting. The Kurt Lewin awards are designed to recognize significant research contributions made by a full member of the Association who has passed beyond the age/time criteria of the Jos Jaspars award. This can be seen as similar to mid-career contribution awards in other associations, although for the Kurt Lewin award no age-limit is placed on the recipient: It is their contribution to the field through a particular research program or area of research that is being recognized.

Candidates can either apply themselves or be nominated by two full members of the Association. In either case, applications must include the curriculum vitae of the candidate and two letters of support from full members of EASP. These letters should justify why the candidate deserves this award. Nominators should inform the proposed candidate of their intention to nominate and state in their support letters that they have permission of the candidate as their official nominators. Only two nominations/support letters will be considered for each candidate. Applications should be received by the Executive Officer before the 1st of October 2016. The awardee will be selected by the EC in the Autumn, based on the recommendation of a committee of three EC members, chaired by the EASP President. The awardees receive a certificate and a bronze medal at the General Meeting in Granada. EASP additionally covers the registration fees of the awardees for the General Meeting.

Call for EASP members’ suggestions for Tajfel, Moscovici, and Codol awards

Tajfel, Moscovici, and Codol awards will selected by the Executive Committee in the Autumn, for awards to be made at the General Meeting in Granada. The Tajfel award recognises a distinguished lifetime contribution by a full member of EASP. The new Moscovici award recognises the author or authors of an article, book, or book chapter that has made outstanding innovative contributions to theory in social psychology. The Codol award recognizes outstanding service to the Association. Please see our website for more details on the awards. Although there is no open call for applications for these awards, the EC encourages suggestions from EASP members. Please take some time to consider your suggestions and contact the President of EASP at to make your views heard, with the name and a brief justification for your suggestion. All suggestions will be shared with, and considered by, the EC.

Change in EASP funding scheme for small and medium size meetings

EASP will continue to fund small and medium size meetings, but from now on there will no longer be a distinction between the two in terms of criteria or application process. Meetings can be of any size, as long as they involve a minimum of 20 participants. The amounts available for this have also changed. EASP will now fund up to €8,000 per meeting and up to 7 meetings each year. Applications must include a clear and completely specified and justified budget, including both costs and others sources of income. Please consult the website for the remaining criteria and procedures, which have now been updated to reflect these changes.

Changes in the grant schemes

Important changes in the EASP grant schemes

Please note some important changes in the EASP grant schemes

News about Members

Rupert Brown writes biography of Henri Tajfel

We are pleased to announce that EASP member and recent Tajfel award recipient Rupert Brown has been awarded a major Research Fellowship from the prestigious Leverhulme Trust to write a biography of Henri Tajfel. This comes after receiving seedcorn funds from EASP for preliminary work that led to the grant now awarded by the Leverhulme Trust. Rupert Brown is very interested to hear from any members who knew Tajfel personally. Also, if anyone has any personal memorabilia of Tajfel - correspondence, photographs, etc. - this also would be extremely valuable for the biography. Well done Rupert!

Rupert Brown can be reached at:
School of Psychology, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QH, United Kingdom.
Tel: 0044 1273 877443.

More informarion here

New Members of the Association

The following applications for membership were approved by the Executive Committee in April 2016. Names of members providing letters of support are in the last line of the entry:

Full Membership

Dr. Jessica ALLEVA
Maastricht, The Netherlands
N. de Vries, C. Martijn

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fischer, G. van Kleef

Granada, Spain
G. Willis, R. Rodriguez-Bailon

Geneva, Switzerland
J.M. Falomir Pichastor, M. Steffens

Muenchen, Germany
S. Sczesny, U. Athenstaedt

Dr. Gerhard REESE
Jena, Germany
J. Proch, M. Barth

Dr. Antonio AQUINO
Chieti, Italy
G. Haddock, G. Maio

Dr. Yuen HUO
Los Angeles, USA
M. Platow, H. Smith

Tel Aviv, Israel
N. Liberman, N. Shnabel

Dr. Maria Laura BETTINSOLI
Padova, Italy
C. Suitner, A. Maass

Dr. Biljana JOKIC
Belgrade, Serbia
S. Pfattheicher, I. Zezelj

Bethlehem, USA
N. Muscanell, G. Moskowitz

Dr. Jerome BLONDÉ
Aix-en-Provence, France
F. Girandola, D. Hilton

Dr. Michail KOKKORIS
Cologne, Germany
E. Hölzl, C. Sedikides

London, UK
Gleibs, A. Cichocka

Paris Descartes, France
N. Kalampalikis, V. Bonnot

Dr. Saadi LAHLOU
London, UK
J.A. Pérez, N. Kalampalikis

Dr. Nicolas SOMMET
Rochester, USA
F. Butera, C. Darnon

Dr. Petra CARMAN
Lubljana, Slovenia
L. Dryjanska, A. de Rosa

Dr. Anthony LANTIAN
Reims, France
O. Klein, D. Muller

Sopot, Poland
M. Becker, D. Hilton

Dr. Tegan CRUWYS
Queensland, Australia
J. Jetten, A. Haslam

Dr. Alejandro MAGALLARES
Madrid, Spain
J.F. Morales, A. Vazquez

Dr. Jean Louis TAVANI
Boulogne Billancourt, France
R. Sanitioso, C. Badea

Hagen, Germany
S. Stuermer, S. Martiny

Dr. Eleanor MILES
Sussex, UK
T. Webb, P. Harris

Utrecht, The Netherlands
J. Karremans, L. van Dillen

Dr. Markus GERMAR
Hildesheim, Germany
R. Imhoff, A. Mojzisch

Exeter, UK
M. Ryan, K. Peters

Dr. Lukas WOLF
Cardiff, UK
G. Maio, U. von Hecker

Dr. Hilmar GRABOW
Kiel, Germany
D. Renger, B. Simon

Granada, Spain
J.L. Megias, R. Rodriguez Bailon

Dr. Wendy WOOD
Los Angeles, USA
B. Verplanken, S. Sczesny

Dr. Hannah GREVING
Tuebingen, Germany
K. Sassenberg, A. Scholl

Dr. Hannah NOHLEN
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
F. van Harreveld, A. Fischer

Postgraduate Membership

Bratsilava, Slovakia
M. Bilewicz, B. Lasticova

Stockholm, Sweden
T. Sundelin, T. Lindholm

Granada, Spain
M. Moya, R. Rodriguez-Bailon

Swansea, UK
G. Jiga-Boy, C. Toma

Philine HARRIS
Sussex, UK
P. Sparks, M. Easterbrook

Granada, Spain
G. Willis, R. Rodriguez-Bailon

Milano, Italy
M. Brambilla, S. Sacchi

Sussex, UK
M. Easterbrook, R. Brown

Daniel SLOOT
Groningen, The Netherlands
T. Postmes, A. Livingstone

Stockholm, Sweden
T. Lindholm, F. Björklund

Margarita LEIB
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
S. Shalvi, M. Roskes

Caserta, Italy
M.G. Pacilli, S. Pagliaro

Doriane DAVEAU
Bordeaux, France
F. Ric, A. Follenfant

Poitiers, France
J.-C. Croizet, F. Autin

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
V. Yzerbyt, J.-C. Croizet

Lisbon, Portugal
M. Barreto, M. Ramos

Granada, Spain
M. Moya, I. Valor-Segura

Leuven, Belgium
S. Otten, C. van Laar

Granada, Spain
G. Willis, R. Rodriguez-Bailon

Evangelos NTONTIS
Sussex, UK
N. Hopkins, J. Drury

Marieke VERMUE
Norwich, UK
R. Holland, R. Meleady

London, UK
J. Jones, M. Kumashiro

Brian O’SHEA
Warwick, UK
E. Gordijn, T. Lindholm

Cardiff, UK
U. von Hecker, G. Haddock

Bordeaux, France
F. Ric, A. Follenfant

Brighton, UK
J. Drury, R. Gonzales

Brno, Czech Republic
M. Hrebickova, S. Graf

A grant has been awarded to the following members

  • Cristina Aeleni (seedcorn grant)
  • Daniela Becker (seedcorn grant)
  • Marija Brankovich (travel grant)
  • Xenia Chryssochoou (RKTS)
  • Ekaterina Damer (travel grant)
  • Lara Dittrich (summerschool seedcorn grant)
  • Jochim Hansen (pre-registered research grant)
  • Biljana Jokic (travel grant)
  • Barbara Müller (seedcorn grant)
  • Stefan Pfattheicher (seedcorn grant)
  • Disa Sauter (pre-registered research grant)
  • Iris Schneider (travel grant)
  • Anouk Smeekes (travel grant)
  • Janina Steinmetz & Ann-Christin Posten (seedcorn grant)
  • Karolina Urbanska (SASP travel grant)
  • Emilio Paolo Visintin (travel grant)
  • Mariko Visserman (travel grant)

Grant Reports

Extraordinary Grant report

Kim Peters, University of Queensland, Australia Exeter Diversity and Inclusion Workshop Report

Seedcorn grant report

Catia P. Teixeira (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium) Support you, support you not…: Determinants of high-status groups’ support to collective action by low-status groups

Extraordinary Grant Report

Gerd Bohner (Bielefeld, Germany) Visit of the University of Granada (Spain)

Post summer school workgroup seedcorn grant report

Arousal and Cognitive Processing by Filipa Almeida, Hans Alves, Olga Bialobrzeska, Sandra Godinho, & Marília Prada

Travel grant: Visit to Eran Halperin (IDC Herzliya, Israel)

Julia Sasse (University of Groningen)

Extraordinary Grant Report

Dr. Natalia COJOCARU, Chisinau, Moldova

Report on the SASP summmer school, Australia, 2016

Karolina Urbanska (Queen’s University Belfast) EASP grant report

Extraordinary Grant report

Dr. Sylvie Graf, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic

Extraordinary Grant Report

Dr. Mariska Kret, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Extraordinary Grant Report

Kai J. Jonas, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Report on the visit of Mahidol University Bangkok, Thailand November 2015

Travel grant report

Sindhuja Sankaran Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland

Reports of Previous Meetings

Executive Committee

Manuela Barreto (President), College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QG, UK

Mara Cadinu (Meetings), D.P.S.S., University of Padova, Via Venezia 8, I-35131 Padova, Italy

Jean-Claude Croizet (Secretary), CeRCA (UMR CNRS 6234, MSHS Université de Poitiers, F-86000 Poitiers, France

Ernestine Gordijn (Grants), Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, University of Groningen, Grote Kruisstraat 2/1, NL-9712 TS Groninen, The Netherlands

Torun Lindholm (European Liaison), Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Kai Sassenberg (Treasurer), Knowledge Media Research Center, Schleichstr. 6, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Daniël Wigboldus (Journals), Department of Social Psychology, Radboud University Nijmegen, PO Box 9104, NL 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Executive Officer:
Sibylle Classen, P.O. Box 420 143, D-48068 Muenster, Germany

Executive Officer
Sibylle Classen
P.O. Box 420 143
D-48068 Muenster

Jean-Claude Croizet
University of Poitiers, France