Outstanding Contribution to European Personality and Social Psychology
This award honours researchers at the crossroads of personality psychology (i.e., the configuration of relatively stable tendencies within the individual) and social psychology (i.e., social behaviour, social motivation, or social cognition). Research topics include but are not limited to: social traits, person x situation interactions, experimentally assessed social-cognitive mechanisms of personality etc. Ideal candidates will have studied these topics with methods that go beyond self-ratings, for example by observing multiple people (dyads, groups), experimental or physiological methods, or sophisticated observational methods.
There will be an open call for nominations (including self-nominations). Both associations’ Executive Committees will rank the applications. In case of disagreement about the best application, one member of each Executive Committee will negotiate who receives the award (ideally but not necessarily the candidate with the highest mean ranking). It is intended that the award will be given out annually, alternatingly at EAPP and EASP events. Awardees will receive a two year membership of both associations.
Previous award winners:
Anna Baumert (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods and Technical University of Munich)