EASP Meeting: The Psychology of Attitudes: Social Processes of Evaluation (cancelled)
Wednesday, 24.06.2020 til Saturday, 27.06.2020
University of Bath, Bath, UK
Organizing Committee: Pablo Briñol, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Teresa Garcia-Marques, ISPA Instituto Universitário; Anne Gast, University of Cologne; Geoff Haddock, Cardiff University; Rob Holland, Radboud University Nijmegen; Greg Maio, University of Bath; Rich Petty, Ohio State University; Iris Schneider, University of Cologne; Duane Wegener, Ohio State University; Lukas Wolf, University of Bath
see also:
EASP Meeting: The Psychology of Attitudes: Social Processes of Evaluation (cancelled)
June 24-27th, 2020; University of Bath, UK;
Extended deadline: February 5th, 2020 -
Cancellation of EASP Meeting - The Psychology of Attitudes: Social Processes of Evaluation
June 24-27th, 2020, University of Bath, Bath, UK
EASP Meeting: The Psychology of Attitudes: Social Processes of Evaluation
July 5-8, 2023; University of Bath, UK;
Deadline: February 19th, 2023