10.12.2024, by Media Account
Preliminary title and abstract deadline: 15 February, 2025
Journal: Psychological Topics
Guest Editors: Asmir Gračanin, Monika Wróbel, and Ad Vingerhoets
We are excited to announce a special issue of Psychological Topics/Psihologijske teme, scheduled for publication in April 2026, focusing on emotional tears and other crying behaviors. We welcome original research, reviews, and theoretical papers from diverse theoretical backgrounds, methodological approaches, and disciplines.
Psychological Topics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published three times a year by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka, Croatia. The journal, indexed in WoS ESCI, Scopus, PsycINFO, DOAJ, Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), ProQuest, and ERIH PLUS, has internationally known scholars as editorial board members. Importantly, Psychological Topics is a Diamond Open Access Journal, which means that all accepted manuscripts are published open access completely free of charge, while all published papers are freely accessible to all interested readers.
Nineteen thematic issues have been published until now, covering various topics featuring high-quality contributions, including those from several of the world's leading experts in relevant fields. Detailed information about the journal can be found at:
This proposed special issue focuses primarily on adult emotional crying, which can be approached from various psychological and other scientific perspectives, including but not limited to biological, developmental, cognitive, social, personality, and clinical. Contributions focusing on infant and animal crying will also be considered if they offer insights relevant to research on adult crying.
All submitted articles will undergo a peer review procedure with consideration given to their theoretical contribution, the originality of ideas presented, methodological soundness, and clarity of presentation.
In addition to our aim of maintaining high scientific standards, we also explicitly offer authors the possibility to expand on their theoretical positions more freely, offer novel explanations for observed findings, and openly discuss the implications of their research and directions for future studies.
Submission deadlines:
Preliminary title and abstract: February 15, 2025.
Full manuscripts: September 15, 2025.
For more information, please contact us at
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