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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Extraordinary Grant Report

16.03.2016, by Sibylle Classen in grant report

Gerd Bohner (Bielefeld, Germany)
Visit of the University of Granada (Spain)

With the support of EASP I had the pleasure to visit the University of Granada from 15 to 24 October 2015. The purpose of this visit was to carry on and deepen an existing collaboration between the social psychology labs of Jesús Megías at Granada and myself at Bielefeld. More specifically, we undertook the following activities:
We discussed data obtained by PhD student Antonella Zapata-Calvente during a research visit to Bielefeld in relation to a study on the measurement and motives of intimate partner violence. Our results suggest that men's proclivity to engage in intimate partner violence is linked to implicit associations between their partner's name and concepts of control, power, and violence. As a secondary result, the German version of a Spanish instrument assessing intimate partner violence proclivity was validated. We prepared the presentation of these data (Zapata-Calvente et al., 2015) and started drafting a joint article.

Another activity on our list was the analysis and discussion of data from a three-nation comparison of attitudes toward prostitution that was carried out by MSc student Pia-Renée Kobusch. Results from Spain, Norway, and Germany revealed attitude differences that are in line with the countries' respective legislation (i.e., lenient in Germany, intermediate in Spain, and restrictive in Norway). Furthermore, only Spanish respondents processed arguments favoring vs. opposing the legalization of prostitution in an unbiased manner, whereas respondents in Germany and Norway showed biased processing in line with their country's laws. We started preparing a joint presentation of these data and a joint article.

Next, we discussed joint research on the effects of reggaetón on sexist attitudes and gender-related aggression. Reggaetón is a popular music genre whose lyrics and video choreo¬graphies objectify and degrade women. Our results with students from Granada suggest that exposure to reggaetón may nonconsciously prime violence-related thought content and increase men's aggression against their female partners. We prepared a joint presentation of data from this project (Saldarriaga et al., 2015) and started drafting a joint article.
Instead of holding a workshop on sexual harassment research (as originally planned), at the request of my hosts I took the opportunity to present data from a recent series of studies carried out with my student Michael Papendick, under the title "Passive victim – strong survivor? Perceived meaning of labels applied to women who were raped". I showed that, although the term "survivor" and its German equivalent "Überlebende" evoke many positive connotations, they are often seen as inappropriate in the context of sexual violence and have inconsistent effects on the perception of the women thus labeled. The audience consisted of graduate students and colleagues, with whom we had lively, constructive discussions. In subsequent sessions with Mónica Romero-Sánchez and Jesús Megías we discussed how to transfer this research to Spanish language usage, and drafted ideas for follow-up studies in the area of intimate partner violence.

Finally, Jesús Megías and I had a Skype meeting with graduate student Gloria Jiménez Moya from PUC de Chile (Santiago) about collaborating further on reggaetón music as well as the effects of masculine generics vs. gender-fair language in the Chilean context – following up on previous work carried out by my student Christiane Kaufmann (Kaufmann & Bohner, 2014).
In sum, the goals I had set myself for this visit were more than met: We have intensified our existing collaboration, got further joint presentations and publications under way, and encouraged students to participate in these international activities. All of this was greatly facilitated by the wonderful atmosphere of the guest house "Carmen de la Victoria", where I had the pleasure to stay, by the mild Andalusian climate, and – most importantly – by the warmth, hospitality, and academic excellence of my colleagues and friends at the University of Granada. I greatly appreciate the financial support by EASP that has made this visit possible.

Kaufmann, C., & Bohner, G. (2014). Masculine generics and gender-aware alternatives in Spanish. IFFOnZeit — Online Journal of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Bielefeld, 4 (3), 8-17. Online:
Saldarriaga, L., Biedma, A., Jiménez, A., Saldarriaga, L. M., Megías, J. L., & Bohner, G. (2015, November). Reggaeton music primes violence: Joint effects of music exposure and acceptance of sexual aggression myths on word completions, victim blaming, and proclivity toward intimate partner violence. Poster to be presented at the 20th Workshop Aggression, Linz, Austria.
Zapata-Calvente, A. L., Megías, J. L., Moya, M., & Bohner, G. (2015, November). Implicit associations in men: the impact of partner’s name on the processing of power, sex, hostility and violence words in a lexical decision task. Paper to be presented at the 20th Workshop Aggression, Linz, Austria.