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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Qualitative Research and Indigenous Psychology Workshop

24.11.2022, by Media Account in announcement

January 23rd

What if you had a tool that can capture so much of the richness of the human condition? Most psychology research today is strictly quantitative which often omit large amounts of information on context, meaning-making, and processes leading to behavior. Further, many measures are often constructed ad-hoc, without attention to internal response processes and often in contexts other than the one in which researchers want to gain understanding from, thus resulting in misleading insights. Qualitative and indigenous psychology approaches can help overcome such problems, providing a richer and deeper understanding of phenomena. This is done through the collection and analysis of non-numerical data such as interviews, open-ended data, and naturalistic behavior. Qualitative and indigenous psychology approaches are a critical instrument for any psychologist.

However, qualitative approaches are commonly haphazardly done, and both practitioners and researchers often ask if “they’re doing it right”. This workshop provides a practical guide to qualitative and indigenous research with a focus on data analysis of interviews and open-ended survey data (and how to go beyond just counting themes). This workshop aims to give you a firm understanding of the principles, sampling, data analysis, data management, and theorizing about qualitative data. This workshop will feature applied exercises and will discuss common issues and practical tips in qualitative research to prepare your for undertaking qualitative research.

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