European Monographs in Social Psychology
About the Publication
Since its inception in 1971, the European Monographs series has acquired an international reputation as a major forum for research developments in European social psychology, published by Psychology Press. Depending on the issue, it is available as in hardback, paperpack and in eBook format.
The objective of the present Editorial Board is to be the principal outlet for new theoretical and empirical work in European social psychology. At a time when the cultural and political frontiers in Europe are being redrawn there could hardly be a more appropriate time to promote a distinctively European intellectual perspective to therest of the world. It seeks to do this in two ways: first, by soliciting original contributions from established figures in the discipline; and second, by giving some emphasis to publishing the doctoral or post-doctoral work of people early in their careers. However, these two editorial priorities are not intended to be unduly restrictive.
The main criteria for inclusion in the series is, of course, the intellectual quality of the manuscript in question.
Procedure for Submission
Anyone contemplating writing a book for the European Monographs series or anyone who already has a part or completed manuscript already written should prepare a brief proposal (3-4 pages maximum). This should outline the rationale for the book, its proposed length and contents (including a chapter by chapter summary), its likely audience, and a brief account of the author(s), their professional experience, career, and previous principal publications. This proposal should be in English and should ultimately be sent to the series Editor(s).
However, prior to this, potential authors may find it helpful to discuss their project with another member of the Editorial Board, particularly if they speak their language and/or is familiar with their work. This Associate Editor can then advise prospective authors on the form and content of the book and can also assist the series Editor in reaching a decision on the proposal. Based on the Associate Editor's advice, the judgment of the series Editor and, where necessary, the comments of independent reviewers, the series Editor reaches a decision to recommend the book (or not) to the publisher.
In most cases this recommendation will be accepted by the publishers, although formally they do reserve the right not to proceed with any particular proposal. If the publishers agree to accept the proposal they contact the author(s) to negotiate the contract, completion date etc., and discuss questions of translation if these arise. There will be provision for the translation of manuscripts from languages other than English and in particular cases there will be the possibility of publication of the book in languages in addition to the English version.
On receipt of the finished manuscript both an Associate Editor and the series Editor will review it for its academic coherence and clarity and make any suggestions for revision to the author(s). Once it has met approval it is sent to the publishers to begin its process toward publication.
Further Information
For more information, please visit the website: