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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Call for unpublished data: Ostracism and Risk-taking Meta-analysis

26.05.2023, by Media Account in call for papers

Deadline: July 31st, 2023.

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are conducting a meta-analysis exploring how being ostracised effects performance on common risk-taking paradigms (BART, Iowa Gambling Task, Game of Dice Task etc.)
We are open to any data experimental methods of inducing ostracism (eg. Cyberball, Atimia, Ostracism online, Autobiographical recall, etc).
If you have any unpublished data, or data that is in for publication, that may be of interest to us, please get in touch via email: by July 31st, 2023.

Thank you so much in advance!
Best wishes,
Joseph Newton
(PhD) student, Cardiff University, Wales, UK