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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Articles and Standing Orders

In the Articles and Standing Orders, the EASP writes down its statutes, rules of membership, etc. The current versions can be downloaded here, and a historical account of their initial creation is documented.

Information about the origins and amendments to the Articles and Standing Orders

Mauk Mulder, then Secretary of the Association, wrote to the International Association of Applied Psychology (May 11th, 1967) for their statutes, rules of membership, etc., in order to have an example for the statutes of the EASP. The first draft of the Articles of the Association was prepared by an ad hoc sub-committee consisting of G. Jahoda and M. Mulder, and was assisted by a members' committee of M. Argyle, G. Iacono, H. Malewska, P. Naus and P. Schönbach.

The final version of the first version of the Articles of the Association was thoroughly discussed and voted on, article by article, at the members' meeting of the Leuven conference, in April 1969. Final editing was performed by G. Jahoda and J. Nuttin. This final text was then submitted to the Official Registration Office of the Netherlands. In a 'Koninklijk Besluit', dated November 5th, 1970, the Articles of the Association were formally approved. This means that the Association is established legally and for legal purposes is located in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

The International Union of Psychological Science informed the Association on November 4th, 1975 that the IUPsyS General Assembly had officially voted to admit the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology as an affiliate member of the Union.

At the 1981 General Meeting of the Association held in Sussex, the members voted on April 7th for changes to be made to the statutes. Notaris Jan Wouter Voerman at Utrecht, on April 29th, 1982 and in presence of Jaap Rabbie, then a member of the Executive Committee, composed a new, revised 'notariele akte', legalizing the changes in the statutes.

At the 1999 General Meeting of the Association held in Oxford, the members voted on July 8th for an update of the Articles and Standing Orders, to formalise certain changes that had developed in the practice of running the Association during the preceding years. These changes were legalised in the presence of Naomi Ellemers, then President of the Association, by Notaris M.E. Amson, at Amstelveen, on August 9th, 1999. This resulted in a registration of the Association and its formal representatives at the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, under the number: 30.158.780.

At the 2011 General Meeting of the Association held in Stockholm, the members voted on July 15th for an update of the Articles and Standing Orders, to formalise certain changes that had developed in the practice of running the Association during the preceding years. These changes were legalised in the presence of Carsten de Dreu, President of the Association from 2008 to 2011, by Notaris Holtmann, at Utrecht, on February 23rd, 2012.

At the 2023 General Meeting of the Association held in Krakow, the members voted on July 2nd, 2023 for several updates to the Articles and Standing Orders, to formalise certain changes that had developed in the practice of running the Association during the preceding years. An important change was the establishment of a supervisory board to supervise the policy of the board and the general affairs of the Association. Another important change now allows members to vote on changes to the Articles and Standing orders via electronic vote.