Research Knowledge Transfer Scheme
The Research Knowledge Transfer Scheme (RKTS) is intended to promote any initiative that specifically serves EASP members from regions where access to scientific information, facilities and/or funding is scarce compared to European standards, or with a background that is underrepresented in social psychological research. The ultimate purpose is establishing (or substantially widening) networks of researchers from underrepresented regions, backgrounds, or focusing on innovative or underrepresented topics or methodologies.
What does the RKTS fund?
Under this scheme, support may be granted for a number of initiatives. For example, initiatives can be built around networking events that include a clearly visible knowledge transfer/training element, or initiatives involving visits from either single researchers or groups.
Funding would support the networking/training event or the visit (i.e., travel and accomodations) of the scholar(s), which would involve some form of teaching, interaction or development activities (e.g., lectures, workshops, skills training, consultation meetings) directed at local social psychologists at any career stage, but in which involvement of junior and postgraduate researchers would be encouraged where possible. Funds can also be requested for hiring services to conduct online meetings and/or research assistants required for establishing the network as well as seed-money for launching collaborative researcg project(s) that arise from the initiative. The application may not contain requests speakers' honoraria.
Given the nature of this scheme, and the focus on teaching, training and development, the scope of the networking or training event should go be beyond organizing a single meeting and should include measures to ensure program sustainability. For visits of researchers, the period of stay would be expected to run over several days (i.e., it would constitute more than a single colloquium on the visitors’ research, although this could form a welcome part of, or addition to, the program for the visit).
Link to EASP
The grant may also be used to promote the development of local networks among social psychologists within regions that do not have local associations of social psychology. Nevertheless, the link to EASP and its members should be clear (in general, at least 50% of the people who attend EASP conferences/activities should be members). Note also that establishing a network of researchers from both within and outside Europe strengthens the transfer of knowledge component.
- Full members of the Association who are organizing the above initiatives aimed at social psychologists from specific regions.
- Any member may be awarded a maximum of RKTS grant within a five-year period.
- Academic need of the region or regions from which the applicant comes or in support of which the initiative is organized.
- Academic need of the group, category or background of researchers for, and with whom, the initiative is organized.
- Level of innovation or necessity to catch up on methods and approaches for the group of researchers targeted.
What information should be included in the proposal?
- Scientific and organizational merits of the proposal.
- Sufficient detail of the proposed program of activities should be provided to allow an evaluation of the scientific and educational merits of the proposal and its capacity to realize the intended aims.
- An estimated timeline for the proposed activities (including the topics that will be discussed in the planned sessions), as well as a list of potential participants (key-notes (if applicable) and attendees) with an indication of their EASP membership.
Grants will be awarded up to 3500 EURO.
Deadlines and Application Procedure
Deadlines for the RKTS grants are: March 15th and September 15th. Please download and complete the attached PDF form and send it to
Additional Requirements
Please see the above application form for a list of requirements. Relevant photo(s) would be appreciated. The report and any photo(s) provided by the applicant will be published on the EASP website, and mentioned in the next EBSP issue.
Reports of past awardees
RKTS Grant Report by Anca Minescu
Establishing the Latino-European Social Psychological Research Network focused on Migration, Displacement and Inclusion (La-EU-MIDI); 1-3 September, 2022
RKTS Grant / Workshop Report by Lise Jans & Gerhard Reese
Workshop “A(n EASP) Community of Environmental Social Psychologists”, held online from January 26th-28th, 2022
RKTS Grant/Workshop Report by Peter Hegarty et al.
Workshop: "Building an LGBT European Social Psychology" at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal; June 21st-22nd, 2019
RKTS Grant/Workshop Report by Hans IJzerman
"Solid Science Training Workshop" at University of Bordeaux, France; September 6th-7th, 2018
RKTS Grant Report by Xenia Chryssocchoou
Project: Training for Collecting and Analysing Life-History Calendars in Order to Develop a Research Project on Political Careers and Emotional Climates in Times of Crisis; May 10th-14th and June,29th-July 2nd, 2017
RKTS Grant Report by Iris Žeželj and Saša Drače
Bilateral Workshop: Connecting the Social Psychology Labs at the University of Sarajevo and the University of Belgrade; March 17th-19th, 2017
RKTS Grant Report by Asuman Buyukcan-Tetik
Workshops "Reproducible and Open Science: Theory and Practice" and "Research Methods and Cultural Context in Psychology: The Case of Relationship Research"; January 19th-20th, 2017 at Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey
RKTS Grant Report by Wojciech Kulesza
Writing Workshop: “How to Publish and Review” in Łódz, University of Warsaw, Poland; September 2nd & 3rd, 2015