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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Post-doc Position: Promoting sustainable behaviours to reduce plastics pollution

19.12.2023, by Pelin Gul

Deadline: 2 January, 2024

Pelin Gul
Pelin Gul

We are seeking a post-doc with a background in psychology or a related field for a project aimed at understanding citizens’ current perceptions of plastic pollution and microplastics. The goal is to find effective ways to communicate recent scientific discoveries in this field and stimulate the adoption of sustainable behaviors. A key focus of this project is to develop innovative and creative strategies to engage the general public, such as through the use of videos, games, exhibits, or arts.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to design studies from the outset in close collaboration with team members from Psychology, Communication Science, and Immunology. Additionally, they will have the unique opportunity to closely collaborate with technicians and designers to translate these insights into gamification strategies to raise awareness about plastic pollution and microplastics and to promote the adoption of sustainable behaviours.

For further information about this job offering please go to

Feel free to contact Josefine Geiger ( in case you have any questions.