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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Call for Papers in Special Issue of GPIR, “We don't believe you”: A group processes approach to anti-science beliefs and endorsement of alternative facts

17.12.2019, by Tina Keil in call for papers

Submission deadline: May 2020

GPIR (Group Processes and Intergroup Relations)
GPIR (Group Processes and Intergroup Relations)

We are happy to announce a forthcoming special issue for Group Processes and Intergroup Relations (GPIR) on the intra-and intergroup dimensions of anti-science beliefs and endorsement of alternative facts.

This special issue will be edited by Bastiaan Rutjens (University of Amsterdam), Sander van der Linden (University of Cambridge), and Romy van der Lee (VU University).

For the detailed call for papers, please visit the journal website at