Two new large data sources on real-world negotiations
11.05.2020, by Tina Keil in announcement
freely available to researchers
During this time when some experimental studies have had to be put on hold, we would like to make you aware of two new, large data resources that we have made publicly available. Both datasets contain microdata from price negotiations in the field.
The first dataset comes from Larsen (2020) and contains over 250,000 observations of a secret reserve price auction followed by sequential bargaining from business-to-business transactions in the wholesale used-car industry. The dataset spans sales from 2007 through part of 2010 for several large auction houses. Each observation contains details on car characteristics, the auction, the secret reserve price, and all actions taken during the price negotiations (including all offers). Data and details are available at
The second dataset comes from Backus, Blake, Larsen, and Tadelis (2020) and contains over 25 million price negotiation sequences from eBay's Best Offer platform. Each observation contains information on all negotiation actions (including all offers) and anonymized identifiers for the buyer, seller, and product. The dataset spans sales from mid 2012 to mid 2013. Data and details are available at
Matt Backus, Tom Blake, Brad Larsen and Steve Tadelis