EASP Online Meeting - Dissonance Spring
08.03.2021, by Tina Keil in announcement
Registration now open
May 17th, 2021 from 15:00-18:00 GMT

We are very pleased to announce the organisation of the online meeting:
Cognitive Dissonance and Inconsistency Regulation: From General Overviews to Predictions of Regulation Strategies
to be held on the 17th of May, from 15h00 to 18h00 (UTC/GMT +0).
The meeting is free. It aims to gather researchers interested in cognitive conflict models, with a focus on cognitive dissonance theory. Our main objective is to propose an “active meeting” where participants can present, discuss, debate, and/or initiate collaborative projects. To promote a spirit of cooperation, most of the meeting will be divided into small-group sessions, bringing together a small number of researchers sharing the same interests.
You can find further information on general guidelines, submission and registration here:
If you can’t access it, or if you have any question, please contact: alexandre.bran@u-paris.fr.
The organising committee
Alexandre Bran - Université de Paris (FR)
April McGrath - Mount Royal University (CA)
Willem Sleegers - Tilburg University (NL)
Jeff Stone - University of Arizona (USA)
David Vaidis - Université de Paris (FR)
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