Travel Grant Report by Alejandro Magallares
22.03.2018, by Sibylle Classen in grant report
UNED, Spain; Visit to the University of Florence, Italy
Contact person: Camilla Matera
Dates: 17th July 2017- 21th July 2017
Thanks to the financial support of the EASP, I have been able to spend five days, at the University of Florence. I would like to thank Camilla Matera for her help during my visit at the University of Florence. I am very thankful to her for providing me with access to all the facilities I needed for my brief research stay.
In order to differentiate dyadic from familial satisfaction, Raffagnino and Matera (2015) recently developed the Couple Satisfaction Scale (CSS), which showed good psychometric properties in the Italian context. According to the authors, when defining relationship satisfaction, it would be useful to distinguish couples who live together and have children from couples who do not share the same house and do not have children. Given the lack of instruments that can allow to assess relationship satisfaction of Spanish-speaking couples, and considering the utility of a scale that permits to capture not only the dyadic, but also the familial dimension of relationship satisfaction, the aim of this research was to adapt the CSS to Spanish-speaking populations. We carried out three studies to achieve this goal. In Study 1 we developed the Spanish version of the scale (Sp-CSS), we examined its psychometric properties through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and we analyzed its convergent validity by examining associations between the dyadic and familial dimensions of relationship satisfaction and satisfaction with life. In Study 2 we examined further the dimensionality of the Sp-CSS through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and we analyzed its convergent validity examining if couple satisfaction was associated with attachment style and affect. Finally, in Study 3 we examined relationship satisfaction measured through the Sp-CSS in a sample of couples; specifically, we examined to what extent the dyadic and familial dimensions of relationship satisfaction could predict both members’ psychological well-being, controlling for participants’ gender.
- Raffagnino, R. & Matera, C. (2015) Assessing Relationship Satisfaction: Development and Validation of the Dyadic-Familial Relationship Satisfaction Scale. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 1, 322-341, doi:10.1080/15332691.2014.975305