Augusto Palmonari
24.10.2016, by Sibylle Classen in announcement
Augusto Palmonari, Emeritus Professor of Social Psychology at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna passed away on October 20, 2016, after a long illness.
He was one of the generation of scholars who put a lot of effort in establishing the study of Social Psychology in Italy.
He understood very soon the importance of the international scientific community and he established friendly, fruitful, enduring and productive scientific relations since the ’70s with Henry Tajfel, Serge Moscovici, Jos Jaspars, Willem Doise and many others who have visited the University of Bologna in the last 40 years.
Not only he was motivated to international scientific relations but he inspired different generations of students and junior researchers to pursue the same goal by studying abroad, to the aim of establishing scientific relations.
He served in the EAESP Committee from 1978 to 1984 and in the Leading Committee of the Laboratoire Europeen de Psychologie Sociale at the Maison de Science de l’Homme in Paris (1983-2000). In 1986 he organized the 6th EAESP Summer School in Bologna. He was Visiting Scholar at many academic institutions Van Leer Foundation (Israel), Libre Universitý
¨ de Bruxelles, University of Linz, University of Maryland, University of Mexico City, University of Geneva, University of Oxford, University of Bern. He was member of the editorial board of many scientific outlets among which European Review of Social Psychology, Social Behavior, Journal of Adolescence Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.
Particularly noteworthy, among many other contributions, is his work on the role of adolescent peer groups in the definition of personal and social identity (some articles were published on the European Journal of Social Psychology) and his books on Social Representations .
In 2010 he received the Laura Honoris Causa in Psychology from the University of Geneva. In 2011 he was awarded with the title of Emeritus Professor from the University of Bologna.
Monica Rubini