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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Call for unpublished data: social identity and health (objectively measured)

27.10.2023, by Tegan Cruwys

Please get in touch by 20 November, 2023

Dear EASP colleagues,

Our research team (Tegan Cruwys, Mark Stevens, Nik Steffens, and Jan Häusser) are conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between social identification and objectively measured health outcomes (details here: We are seeking published, unpublished, or nearly published data that explores this relationship.

Specifically, we are seeking studies that meet the following criteria:

·      Social identification with any type of group was either measured OR experimentally manipulated(including studies that manipulate identity strength, identity salience, or identity threat),


·      Multiple group membership (subjective affiliation with social categories) was measured OR experimentally manipulated


·     An objective measure of health or health behaviour is available, i.e., it is not self-report and/or has been independently verified. We are interested in both acute measures (e.g., cortisol, heart rate variability, amount of food eaten in a lab environment or performance on a physically demanding task), and chronic measures (e.g., verified vaccination records, diagnoses or prescriptions provided by a health professional).

If you have any published or unpublished data that fits these criteria, we would love to hear from you. You can provide all the info via this Google Form: or email our team directly (Ella Edwards-Smith is coordinating: by 20 November.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,

Tegan Cruwys, Mark Stevens, Nik Steffens, and Jan Häusser