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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

EASP Brief Summer School 2023

21.12.2022, by Media Account in General Meeting

June 29-30, 2023, Cracow
Submission deadline: 31st January, 2023

EASP Brief Summer School

We are inviting talented and motivated PhD students who would like to attend a brief summer school in social psychology to apply to the 2023 Brief Summer School of EASP!

EASP recognizes the need to offer regular training opportunities for PhD students. Traditionally, summer schools were held bi-annually. We had the intention to offer annual training which unfortunately was not feasible during the COVID years. This summer school is meant to close this gap and offer a training opportunity held conjointly with the General Meeting.

The EASP Brief Summer School 2023 was curated by Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Butera, University of Lausanne, and is a unique opportunity for 32 pre-doctoral psychology students to immerse themselves in a course taught by renown instructors in a small group setting (8 students per group):

Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, University of Helsinki - Disidentification
This workshop will discuss how social identities are calibrated to respond to changing intergroup realities. The workshop will particularly focus on the process of disidentification that is the identity reaction of minority group members toward the perceived violation of intergroup contract. The rejection-disidentification model will be revisited to better understand how disidentification may also be part of an identity when identities become extremely politicized. The social and political consequences of disidentification will be explored.

Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, University of Granada - A psychosocial look at economic disparities
A growing and fruitful line of research in Social Psychology focuses on the impact of economic inequality on individual and group relations and the mechanisms that explain them. We will devote the workshop to presenting and discussing the-state-of-the-art in this area. Participants in the workshop will be shown how economic inequality affects some processes, from the most individual, such as the way we think about ourselves and others, to others of an intergroup nature, such as prejudice and discrimination towards certain groups.

Dominique Muller, University of Grenoble - Grounded cognition and implicit social cognition: the case of Approach/Avoidance action tendencies
In this workshop we will discuss what a grounded cognition framework really is. More important, we will discuss how this framework can contribute to the study of implicit social cognition (notably how we conceive attitudes) and how, paradoxically (because of the somewhat bad reputation of the grounded cognition literature), it can contribute to the replicability of some results.

Xenia Chryssochoou, Panteion University, Athens - Societies in Crisis: extreme representations of the social order, identities and different protests
During the last years we have observed in European societies and around the globe an upsurge of populist discourses, conspiracy theories, and representations of the social order that put into question democratic governance and show increasing levels of distrust to governing and scientific elites. These beliefs and representations led to different kinds of protests (for instance against vaccination). Through the study of social representations of the social order and of the different identities (see also "we the people") that are generated we will try to understand the social psychological dynamics that lead to different kinds of protests.

The EASP Brief Summer School 2023 takes place at
Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Faculty of Management and Social Communication
ul. prof. S. Lojasiewicza 4
30 - 348 Krakow
and is scheduled for the two days prior (29/30 June) to the General Meeting of EASP, with students and instructors arriving Wednesday, June 28th, 2023, and potentially continuing their stay with the General Meeting, July 1st, 2023.

The contribution per student is 50€ which covers tuition and meals (incl. a joint dinner at the end of the first day), students are responsible for their own accommodations (a list of suggested budget hotels will be shared). Students are responsible for their travel to and from Cracow.

Applications procedure:

Applications by EASP members should be sent directly to EASP president Kai Jonas ( before 11:59 PM CET on January 31st, 2023 and include:

  • a motivation letter
  • a research statement describing your research interest (up to 2 pages)
  • one reference letter by a senior EASP member in good standing (can be PhD supervisor, but need not to be)
  • an indication of your preferred workshop (please provide a first and second choice)