EJSP Early Career Best Manuscript Award 2014
04.11.2015, by Kai Sassenberg in announcement, award
Winners 2014: Loes Meeussen & Melvyn R. W. Hamstra
Each year, since 2003, the editorial team of the EJSP awards a prize to the best paper published in EJSP to have been first-authored by a researcher within three years of their doctoral degree.
The editors of the European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP) are pleased to inform you about the EJSP Early Career Best Manuscript Award winner for 2014. This year, we are in an exceptional position to award prizes to two papers:
Hamstra, M. R. W., Van Yperen, N. W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg K. (2014). On the perceived effectiveness of transformational-transactional leadership: The role of encourage strategies and followers’ regulatory focus. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44(6), 643-656, doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2027
Meeussen, L., Schaafsma, J., & Phalet, K. (2014). When values (do not) converge: Cultural diversity and value convergence in work groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44(6), 521-528, doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2031
Both papers exemplify the kind of research that EJSP strives to publish: They address socially relevant issues, framed in the context of relevant theories and examined through methodologically sound and issue-appropriate designs. They have produced relevant findings, which advance our understanding and likely actions on the examined issues. The EJSP Editorial team judged both papers equally meritorious and, with Wiley’s support, both will receive the award.