Election of new EASP Executive Committee Members
08.12.2022, by Media Account in announcement
Deadline: March 1st, 2023
Dear Full Members,
Three members of the current Executive Committee of the EASP will have served their six-year term and are due to be replaced at the next General Meeting, in Krakow. Kai J. Jonas, Malgorzata Kossowska and Monica Rubini will leave the Executive Committee in July 2022, whereas Nurit Shnabel, Nina Hansen, Roland Imhoff and Karen Douglas will stay for another three-year term.
According to the Standing Orders of the association, the nomination procedure is as follows: Each nomination must be supported by two full members, addressed to the Chair of the Election Panel, Vincent Yzerbyt (vincent.yzerbyt@uclouvain.be).
Completed applications will be accepted and presented to members for election at least one month before the General Meeting. The deadline for receiving nominations for the upcoming election is March 1st, 2023.
Each nomination pack needs to contain:
- A letter from the nominee, agreeing to serve on the Executive Committee, if elected.
- Letters of support from two full members of the association
- Brief (half an A4 page) background information from the nominee, including:
- a summary of academic positions, administrative experience, and current research interests;
- the nominee's perspective on what are relevant issues for EASP and its Executive Committee to consider in the future, and
- a list of three publications the nominee considers to be most representative of their work.
All information will be treated confidentially. Once all applications have been checked and confirmed, candidates will receive specific instructions of what they need to write for members to read at the time of the election.
Please check the Standing Orders on the EASP website for more detailed information. Please note, the voting will be carried out electronically. You will receive further details on this procedure in due course.
Best wishes and kind regards,
The EASP Executive Committee