Job opening: PhD studentship in social neuroscience (full-time) at Cardiff/Bristol (UK)
20.10.2023, by Susanne Quadflieg
Deadline: 01 November, 2023

PhD Project entitled 'Recognising uniquely human emotions': Applicants are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, jointly supervised by Dr Elisabeth von dem Hagen (Cardiff) and Dr Susanne Quadflieg (Bristol). The studentship will commence in October 2024.
Being able to read other people’s emotions facilitates our social interactions. But it remains unclear how humans perceive others’ uniquely human emotions (e.g. envy) that may lack typical facial expressions. Drawing on contemporary models of person perception, this project combines psychology and neuroscience to investigate how social context can facilitate (or hinder) complex emotion detection. We are looking for an enthusiastic, motivated, and innovative individual with an excellent degree in psychology, neuroscience, or related discipline. The successful candidate will be based at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre - Cardiff University, which is part of the School of Psychology - Cardiff University, and will be closely linked to the School of Psychological Science | School of Psychological Science | University of Bristol .
Please direct any queries to Elisabeth von dem Hagen or Susanne Quadflieg
Application deadline: 1 November 2023.
For further details of this project, please see here:
For details on how to apply, please see here:
Funding notes: This project is being advertised through the GW4 BioMed MRC DTP. It is open to students worldwide. Successful candidates will be fully-funded; this includes full funding of fees for international students as well. Please see here for eligibility requirements: