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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

Message from the EASP Executive Committee

08.11.2023, by Media Account

Dear EASP community,

We care deeply about the suffering, pain, and worries of all our members who are affected by the current situation in the Middle East.

We have collectively decided against issuing a statement, however, and would like to explain the moral stance underlying our current policy not to issue such statements, or to share members' open letters.

As the Executive Committee of EASP, we care about and wish to protect the unity and diversity of our community. We do not want to be torn by political divisiveness. There are many global forces driving societies in this direction, and we firmly wish not to become one of them. We trust that while our members may have different opinions about global issues, they all support human rights and the common good. In the simplest words, even if our members have different political views, we have faith that they all have good intentions.

We may or may not agree, but we feel that it is important to explain why the Executive Committee is following this established policy. It is a decision that was not taken lightly.

We wish for peaceful times for all people.

The EASP Executive Committee