New Publication: Serge Moscovici: Psychologie des représentations sociales
01.04.2019, by Tina Keil in publication
by Nikos Kalampalikis (Ed.); Paris, EAC, 2019
ISBN: 978-2-8130-0330-0

This book includes six rare and/or unpublished texts by Serge Moscovici on his own theory, that of social representations. The texts are spread over a period of about thirty years (1976-2005), thus following the path of a thought in phase with the diffusion and appropriation of one of the most fertile approaches in social psychology.
Formulated in the early 1960s, this theory, which has become a paradigm, currently brings together a large community of researchers from social psychology around the world (but also from the educational sciences, health sciences and other fields of the human and social sciences).