Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology
About the Journal
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology (CRSP) is the latest addition to the journal portfolio of EASP and was launched in 2014. It is the first social psychology journal to publish only pre-registered papers. The journal publishes high quality research from all domains of Social Psychology and neighboring disciplines that provide significant scientific advance, with a strong focus on methodology and transparency in the research process. CRSP is published by Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
Authors submit their research proposals prior to having collected the data to the journal, and these are reviewed and accepted on the basis of the substantive contribution and proposed methodology. All papers will then be published, as long as the studies are conducted and analyzed as agreed in the pre-registered proposal.
CRSP offers an "initial publication agreement" based on the reviewed submission of the introduction, hypotheses, methods, and proposed analyses. Full manuscripts (including results and discussion) are reviewed again to check for protocol adherence. Additional exploratory analyses and data are possible, but will be flagged as such, for example as pilot studies. These parts will also be reviewed. CRSP has an open (non-blind) review policy.
More infomation
More information regarding the submission process can be found on the journal website:
The process of preregistered review at CRSP is available in the author guidelines, see
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