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EASP – European Association of Social Psychology

EASP Meetings

The EASP supports a number of meetings per year that are organised by EASP members.


The Executive Committee uses the following criteria to decide whether or not to support EASP meetings:

A Priori Criteria:

1. Timing: There should be sufficient time before the meetings for their existence to be advertised to the membership through the Bulletin. This allows members to submit abstracts, apply for travel funding, etc.
2. Applicant Status: The applicant must be an EASP member.
3. Membership Involvement: At least 50% of the EASP members should be involved.

Criteria for Evaluation:

1. Scientific Excellence: Quality of the written proposal.
2. Attractiveness for EASP Members: The breadth and relevance of the topics covered.
3. Accessibility:
   o Planning: Timing and location should maximize accessibility for all members.
   o Budget: The budget should allow members from less affluent nations or younger scholars to attend.
4. Justification of the Requested Budget: The budget request should be well-justified.
5. Diversity: Diversity among speakers in terms of gender, nationality, and age.
6. Additional Priorities:
   o Priority will be given to scholars who have not received a grant in the past.
   o The proposal should not be part of a continuing series.

Support for EASP Meetings

  • The amount of financial support is a maximum of 8,000 EUR per meeting.
  • At least 50 % of participants at the meeting must be EASP members.
  • Postgraduate members should be allowed to participate actively in the meeting.
  • The meeting should include a minimum of 20 participants (there is no maximum).
  • The selection of participants should be made according to the diversity criterion as defined in the Diversity Statement of the EASP and all attendees should be informed about the existence of the EASP Code of Conduct to which all attendees must adhere.
EASP Meeting on Language Challenges in the 21st Century in total, 3 pictures
EASP Meeting on Language Challenges in the 21st Century


General Requirements

Each application should specify:

  1. The topic of the proposed meeting, together with a brief account of why this represents a suitable topic for such a meeting and a justification of sufficient interest from EASP members for this topic;
  2. the precise dates and location of the proposed meeting;
  3. a detailed budget, including both the costs involved in the meeting and other sources of income apart from the Association. There should also be an indication of how much participants would have to pay for registration, accommodation, and food. Budgets should not include travel expenses. EASP members attending the meeting may apply for travel EASP grants;
  4. a draft announcement of the meeting, ready for publication on the EASP Website (and Twitter), in the next EASP Bulletin and for distribution through EASP mailserve.

The meeting application form and budget calculation sheet can be downloaded below.


In order to facilitate the association's financial planning and to give adequate time in which to publicise meetings, the Executive Committee considers applications relating to meetings to be held in the first half of a calendar year at its Spring (normally April) meeting in the preceding year; applications relating to meetings to be held in the second half of a calendar year will be considered at its Autumn (normally October) meeting in the preceding year. Members are asked to submit applications by March 15th for the Spring Meeting and by September 15th for the Autumn meeting.

After successful application

Successful applicants will be asked to provide a formal announcement for publication on the EASP website and inclusion in next the EASP Bulletin (EBSP). Organisers will receive 50% of the support in advance. Within one month after the meeting, organisers are required to provide one or more photos (1280 x 720 pixels or higher) from the meeting, a brief scientific report, the abstracts of the meeting, an overview of the participants, and a financial statement accounting for expenditure. The remaining 50% of the support will be paid to the organisers if the reports prove that the organisers have in fact met all the conditions for support as laid down in the EASP rules.

Recent EASP Meetings


Previous EASP Meetings
